
BIKE rentals

Treat yourself to some good old-fashioned fun with our VFGS bike rentals! Rent one of our comfortable cruiser bikes to explore the nearby Vischer Ferry Nature and Historic Preserve for 90 minutes. Then come back and treat yourself to some lunch and gelato to enjoy on our garden patio.

The Preserve has miles of crushed stone bike paths, along with several nice picnic areas. You may spot turtles, snakes, otters, beavers, deer, frogs, blue herons and many other species of birds. Ride on the towpath where the mules used to pull barges through the Erie Canal, the highway of the 1800’s! Use your smartphone to listen to pre-recorded information about the flora and fauna, available on signs throughout the Preserve. End to end, you can ride from the power dam (where you may spot a bald eagle diving for fish), all the way to the Twin Bridges.

$15 per person, up to 4 bikes available at a time. Call in advance to reserve (518-579-0195). Time slots are Wednesday through Sunday: 10-11:30, 12-1:30, 2-3:30. You will be required to sign a bike waiver that can be signed at our store.